All thermal printhead brands delivered from stock

We are the #1 supplier of thermal printheads worldwide. With an average of 6,000 printheads in stock, our goal is to deliver most orders within two days. This includes replacement printer heads from all brands of desktop, industrial and TTO printers.
You’ve come to the right place for thermal printhead brands like ALLEN®, Argox®, AVERY®, BIZERBA®, CAB®, CITIZEN®, DATAMAX®, DELFORD®, DIGI®, Domino®, ESPERA®, GODEX®, INTERMEC®, ITALORA®, JAGUAR®, MARKEM SMARTDATE®, MECTEC®, METO®, OPEN DATE®, PAXAR®, PRINTRONIX®, ROHM®, SATO®, TEC®, THARO®, TSC®, VALENTIN-MICROS®, Videojet®, and ZEBRA®.
Compatible 4U printheads

In addition to the original brands, you can also choose one of our 4U compatible printheads for many of the printer models. These are drop-in replacements for the originals, with the same build quality, performance and warranty period. Check the TTR webshop for price & availability of both originals and compatibles.
TTR webshop Discount codesFrom our blog

Expert tips for a longer printhead life: The printer head is one of the most important and costly components. It’s subject to natural wear, ink, dirt and dust. These tips from experts will help you get the longest life from your printhead. You will save money by replacing them less often. >> Read on

Collect personal discount vouchers for free: With every purchase of printheads and printers, you earn points automatically. It’s 100% free and you don’t need to do anything, except sign up. At the end of each quarter, you will receive a discount code that is exclusive to you, according to the points you collected. >> Learn more